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filthy lucre 1.不義之財。2.〔蔑稱〕臭錢。

filthy pelf

Not , he parenthesised , that for the sake of filthy lucre he need necessarily embrace the lyric platform as a walk in life for any lengthy space of time but a step in the required direction it was , beyond yea or nay , and both monetarily and mentally it contained no reflection on his dignity in the smallest and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be handed a cheque at a muchneeded moment when every little helped 毋寧說,那是朝著必然的方向邁進的一步,不論是從金錢上還是精神上,都絲毫無損于尊嚴。當你手頭急需錢的時候,有人遞過一張支票來,也不無小補。況且盡管近來人們對于音樂的鑒賞力每況愈下,可是不落俗套的那種富于獨創性的音樂還是很快地就會風靡一時。

If the crime of unauthorized partition of state property is belonged to crimes committed by a unit , then , the arrangement for the criminal procedure ( whether the unit should be belonged to the defendant ) as well as how to resolve the filthy lucre and booty ( whether the retrieved filthy lucre and booty should be returned to the unit ) and so on , the operations for judicial practice are also puzzled 如果將私分國有資產罪理解為單位犯罪,那么,刑事訴訟程序的安排(是否將單位列作被告)以及贓款贓物的處理(是否將追繳的贓款贓物退還原國有單位)等司法實踐操作也將面臨困惑,這顯然與刑法規定單位犯罪的初衷即“方便有效地打擊單位的犯罪行為”相違背。

Whose mouths must be stopped , who subvert whole houses , teaching things which they ought not , for filthy lucre ' s sake 11這些人的口總要堵住。他們因貪不義之財,將不該教導的教導人,敗壞人的全家。